Some news about me and Sub Church, I am no longer the pastor….
It feels strange to write this post. I have just come home from the service at Sub Church. Here I shared a big decision I have taken. I will no longer be the pastor of Sub Church. The last months we have talked a lot of actually paying me so I could work more as a pastor at Sub Church. During these weeks I prayed, thought and talked to different leaders. What I really felt was that God challenged me who am I? Could I just be me and not the pastor of Sub Church? I have started this church together with other friends and I have been leading it for almost ten years. I realized that Sub is just so big part of my identity, even this blog is called “submorten”. So I feel it is time to take a step outside of the pastor thing and just trying to figure out what it means to follow Jesus just being me.
But it is important that people understand that there is no conflict or trouble going on in the church. I have full confidence in the leadership and I am proud of all the people in Sub Church, they are after all my family.