Friday, December 30, 2005

Freaking Aslan!

Man! Have just wached Narnia. And it was sooo good. Screw you! I know it is for children, and I loved it! I even took my son along even though he was a bit young, but he already seen it he he. This was great.....Clive Staples you made my day....(and unfurtunally Disney too, even though I don´t like to admit it)


Blogger St.Alpin of Przhino said...

Yeah man! Aslan rules,the dignity that he has is awesome

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

men jeg må si at jeg ikke er helt enig altså.... jeg ble rett og slett litt skuffa.... opplevelsen var ikke så mektig som jeg hadde forestilt meg.....syns serien var sånn er det vel alltid....og hei morten? hvis du har tid en dag, hva med å sende en oppdatering over? er nysgjerrig på hva som skjer i pastor mortens liv om dagen....

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the big punk rocker is into Disney movies! That's okay because Narnia is a great looking movie with the help of WETA workshop (the same guys who did LOTR) with some deep meaning. Even though some say it's for kids, it has so much more than a movie with talking animals. Maybe it's because I'm such an Edmund and so identify with him and his need for Aslan to make right what he cannot on his own. Maybe it is because I've always liked Aslan, even from the book, because he is the untamed lion who is good! By the way, Morten, it's been a long time since I've seen you, but I swear you had blonde hair nine years ago! Dig what you are doing at Subchurch--freakin' awesome!

8:47 PM  
Blogger submorten said...

Man!!!! Is it Kevin??? I have looked so much over the net trying to find you. How is life?? Please email me man. I have a lot to tell since last mail is:

4:37 AM  

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