My heart of unrest!
I shared my heart at Sub yesterday. I said this is my thoughts of where we are now and where are we going. Basically my heart is filled with unrest, sometimes I feel like in a state of emergency. Why? Because as far as I can tell we are not changing the world. Would Oslo be any different if Sub Church didn´t excist? Probably not. And the same goes for the rest of the church, do we have any impact at all? Hardly none. And what bother me the most is that so few recognize this. Where are the emergency meetings amongst the leaders in Oslo? Where are our tears for this city? Where are the prayers in Sub Church. Could it be that we do not know the true leader of Sub, Jesus? We preach and sing about him, but do we know Him? Who do you say I am, Jesus asked his diciples. Well, I kind of feel the same question goes back to us. John 15. Without me you can not do anything!
hi morten, this is anne! i can imagine how you are feeling, but trust me, sub church makes a difference! you and a lot of other people there became a family to me! when there was no place for me to go, i found rest, hope and love among all the precious people i met at sub. oslo would have been almost nothing to me without you guys, but because of your burning hearts this city is closer to me than my hometown! i just can thank you for the way you are and were, and keep praying for you! i am sure jesus has an important plan with you to fulfill, so how he is using you is totally up to him.
love, faith and hope, anne
its a good question!
we have nice meetings and a good structure - but do we impact the city where we living?
what is the impact - also a good question!
i don´t want to play church ... even i don´t want to be a church ... i want to be a fellowship with jesus! doing the things he does!
... but when we start to ask questions like that - we are on a good way ... i think :)
Hallaisen Morten.Skjonner deg virkelig.Men en ting er sikkert , GUD vil sub baade i Norge og i Japan, det er ingen tvil, hadde vi ikke hatt Sub, saa hadde alle de som ikke finner seg til rette i andre menigheter ikke hatt noe sted aa faa aandelig fode.
Spennende ting paa gang.
Gud vet hva han driver med.
hi morten,
it´s Jp from the Jesus Freaks. You definitly make a difference as subchurch is an example for many young underground churches also to send Missionaries as you did!
And to encourage you, if we don´t see the fruit of our labour, we can trust that there will be much fruit, because we are only the ones who sow - God gives the growth, in his time, but never to late for him.
Let´s keep sowing even with tears, HE will give the growth, Bro.
kjære morten, kjenner det samme. leser martin luther king og er overveldet over styrken og viljen til å leve radikalt for Jesus. vi lurer oss selv hvis vi ikke tror vi har like stor utfordringer i samfunnet idag å ta tak i. så så jeg filmen om 50 cent igår og tenkte - au det var vel rått og hardt - men jesus døde like mye for gangstere som søndagsskolebarn...
så nå skriver jeg etikk oppgave om gangstere og vold blant ungdom.
treffes i des/jan?
yeah, & your timing is huge for this. we are experiencing similar stirrings in NY at the moment.
rock on morten.. jesus will prevail!
Som sagt, otroligt intressant att läsa!! Gud välsigne dig mr Morten! Du är sinnsykt bra for Sub!
Takk takk Emilia! Veldig hyggelig å høre!
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Jepp og Ja falera!
Jeg hører deg, Morten.
Gud velsigne deg!!
jeg ber at det vil bli en ny tid!
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