A prayer....
John 17:1-5
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 5And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
Jesus, who are you?
I want to know who you are...
You didn´t come to this planet to start Christianity. You didn´t come to start an organisation. You didn´t come to create strucutures or cultures of division...
You came to this planet give us all life. You came to give us truth so that we could be truly free. You came to give us a joy and peace deeper than we could know. You came to show us the way home.
I long for your life! Your freedom! Your truth! Your peace! Your home!
I want to know you.
One big AMEN!
Me too Jesus !!!
I want to know you more and more...
'coz I know you have so much more...
Thanks for sharing Morten...
jeg lengter også.
etter LIV som Gud har for oss. etter lidenskap som vi er kalt til å leve i. etter å se det store bildet, og også se menneskehjertene som Gud ser dem.
så ærlig og nært skrevet, morten.
lurer mye på hva Guds frihet er. "frihet" er et stort ord, med så mange tanker rundt.
det må jo være noe som gjør oss sannere, tryggere og nærmere...hm
jag vill också!!
takk for preken igår! supert!
Gud var så nära!! Du är verkligen använd av Honom!!
Jesus älskar ju dig :)
Her er det fest og glede...her er det dans og sang....Torstein som er tilstede...han roper fra min gang...
Ja her er livet fett.Du er helt rå Morten, vi digger digger digger digger deg...etter Jesus da selfølgelig. Ingen slår han..
Bukk fra oss misjonærer i Japan.
Broder T&Nina T
morten! this is stephen sandoval from souled out in chicago. well, actually dawn and i are still in brussels finishing seminary. anyways, its so great to come across your blog.
we are planning to move to copenhagen in august to work full time with discipleship school, so we are hoping to visit oslo as soon as possible. i hope you and your family are doing well. we can't wait to visit sub-church.
Det er det som er poenget! Ellers blir alt bare religion, død religion.
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