One Freakin Jesus family!

I got back from a just amazing weekend in Germany! We met around 35 people from different countries like Danmark, England, Portugal, France, Swizterland, The Netherlands, Germany, Cech Republic and Norway. Man! It was so cool. All we did was just to hang out, pray for eachother, share our lifes, longings and dreams. God is builiding a family and it so many wonderful people! Love you all!!!
ja, her ser det ut som dere koser dere:)
sa bra!!!
takk for praten her om dan! koseli!
hi Morten, glad i found your blog :)) yeah, it was such a super awesome weekend, i was so blessed! greetings to Oslo from the Czechs!
Thank you man, i’m really looking forward to come to freakstock and i appreciate your help. I’ll do my best to come.
How are you doing? What’s new with subchurch?
I'm really happy that I connect with you guys.
så kjekt å høre at du har hatt ei bra og viktig helg. e glede meg sammen med deg / dåkke. skal bli godt å se deg igjen om ikke alt for lenge. e skal en tur nedover om ca en måned....
big hug!
yeah! it was so amazing to see you in geithain! oh, dear morten! i feel really hornord to be a part of your family. i just loved spending time with you and all the others.
god bless you and sub!
jag rös när jag läste det du skrev!!! SÅ FETT!!
Kos deg i helgen!
I'm really so sad that I couldn't manage to come... . HEy let's chat about Japan. I will go to Japan in March with a friend and looking foreward to meet Nina.
If you wanna write check:
or jp(at)
Muchos Blessings!
Yeh, that was a real cool time with everyone...
Nice to be connected as family...
Hey, check this out. God speed in Japan:
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